Royalton Old Home Days
Royalton Old Home Days will kick off on Aug 1st with the 3rd Annual Food Truck Rally with musical guests: The Party Crashers, The South Royalton Town Band, and an act to follow. This day will be from 3pm until 10pm
On Aug 2nd, Royalton Old Home Days will open at 4pm until 10pm. Musical guests at 7pm will be the Conniption Fits. Come on down to support your local non-profits in their fundraising efforts. The Grange will return with their Bingo, the Lions Club with food, and watch your local volunteer fire dept start getting the fire ready for their famous bean hole beans to be cooked.
On Aug 3rd the day will kick off with our Circus Themed Parade starting at 10am. Then the all day event will open with the South Royalton Town Band. Food, fun, games, and entertainment will continue throughout the day. Don’t forget to get your Fire dept Bean Hole Beans and BBQ chicken. Musical guests to end this years event will be the Rock Island Blues Review! They will hit the stage at 7pm.